This franchise was touted as a golden entrepreneurship example. Brilliant idea on making a futuristic ice-cream where they used liquid nitrogen to freeze it to become small dots that melts in your mouth. I read it in the book so when I went to the US and saw a store, I had to sample it to see what is all about.
It is NOT cheap ice-cream if you compared it with American Standards. A small cup will cost you around USD5 bucks. With UDS5 i can easily buy a BOX of Haagen-Daz to all satisfy my sweet tooth. Looks like it will never hit Malaysia as it files for bankruptcy. I think the most popular premium brand ice-cream in Malaysia is still un-doubtly Haagen-Daz where there is even a store to sell that premium ice-cream around RM30++ a pop to customers. (I am not sure as I never took it while in Malaysia as it is freaking expensive, while in US it is quite cheap!! And my taste buds cannot really differentiate it against the RM1.05 MacDonald Vanilla Ice-cream :P)
Dippin' Dots began in 1988, when microbiologist Curt Jones applied cryogenic freezing methods to ice cream. Jones flash-froze an old family recipe, creating tiny beads of ice cream. He eventually sold his creation at theme parks, where it quickly became a hit. Having since expanded to include Dippin' Dots frozen yogurt, the company sold its first franchise in 2000. Today, it has 250 locations (and an additional 360 fair locations) in the U.S. and nine other countries, including Canada, Japan, Ecuador, and the Philippines.
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