Penny Stocks That Pop

Posted by Kris | Monday, February 21, 2011 | | 4 comments »

Today saw an avalanche drop of penny stocks in KLCI while the index seesaw from positive-negative-and close at positive. Loser outpaced gainers with blue chip pushing the index to positive region today. I guessed this is the end for the pennies. See these stocks below, HWGB, BORNOIL,IRIS and OLYMPIA. Game Over..At least for 2011..Next Bull run?


  1. Anonymous // 3:10 PM  

    Nice attempt.....

  2. Penny Stocks // 4:54 PM  

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  3. Best Penny Stocks // 2:00 PM  

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  4. stock // 5:45 PM  

    It's a very good work....