Stock club not disco club but both environment can be hot at times |
Facebook is a powerful tool for spreading news and info about a new product or services for free. Nowadays, there is alot local stock pick groups mushrooming inside Facebook that requires a certain subscription fee to join.
Below are what these stock pick groups/clubs generally provide at a fee:
1. Watchlist stocks to buy with their buy call price, take profit price and cut-loss point.
2. Some groups provide daily, weekly or even monthly buy calls
3. Some groups based their call on either fundamental analysis, technical analysis or even a mixture of them. P.S I heard some investment course even promotes their stock picks based on Fengshui.
4. Some groups are exclusively limited to investment/stock-based seminar/course students. P.S Usually these course are not cheap also ranging from RM2000 to RM8000. The highest I know so far in Malaysia is a whooping RM24,000!! Those long enough in the investment community will know which group I am referring to.
The cost:
It can range from RM50 to RM100 averagely per month depending on which group.
Well, this post is not to discourage or encourage readers to join such groups to grow wealth thru the stock market.
But in my opinion, it is better to learn how to fish rather than depending on people to give you the fish!
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