Make Passive Income Money Using Pinbooster

Posted by Kris | Saturday, December 14, 2013 | , | 0 comments »

Do you ever heard of Pinterest before?

Here is my Pinterest account:

Here is how you can make passive income on your pinterest account?

Just sign up for

It is a website that allows you to monetize your pinterest account by pinning the advertiser's picture on your account.

Below is my PinBooster account, basically has a very simple layout that shows my number of followers, pins and boards. I can set how much a single ad that appear on my pinterest will cost to the advertisers if they desired to advertise with me. Quite simple actually.

PinBooster Dashboard -Simple and sleek

My advertiser offer. USD $0.50 to pin a picture/ad on my account. Wish I did

It is quite passive income to me. I do it for fun. But i think you can make serious dough if you have alot of followers.

So those that have a lot of time, this is one easy way to make passive income online.