Got Back My 5% Sukuk Simpanan Rakyat

Posted by Kris | Thursday, May 31, 2012 | | 5 comments »

It came as a sweet surprise,as I saw my bank account suddenly ballooned. I thought that someone had  accidentally banked in money into my account. LoL. (What are the chances of that happening). 

P.S , It happened before to me that a huge amount (a 5 digit figure) was accidentally banked into my brokerage account. But being the honest guy I am, I quickly informed my broker about it.

Then I remembered the amount deposited is similar with my 5% Sukuk that I bought around 3 years ago. The deposit included the last interest accrued.It has now fully matured :)

Wow..3 years fly by so fast. Below is my post on the Sukuk 3 years ago.

In the future, there is no doubt that more Sukuk will be issued. I read somewhere that the government is going to setup a entity whose capital will be raised by the Sukuk method to bail out our beloved MAS airline. (~9 billion, to buy new aeroplane to be leased back to MAS) . Don't think buying newer planes will turnaround the always-losing-money national airline. They should cut expenditure and restructure it to be profitable again by plugging all the financial leaks.

It would be stupid to touch on the idea of asking Khazanah or EPF to bailout MAS again since the general election fever is nearby. So money raised thru Sukuk by public subscriptions is going to be the way to go to get more money into the coffers. 

Kdrama: Secret Garden

Posted by Kris | Tuesday, May 29, 2012 | | 0 comments »

Okey, I must admit that I am a sucker for comedy. So I am now watching this drama on Tv8 daily. I think I need to download some of the episodes that I missed. This series is really funny and heart warming romantic comedy. :) ( A release from the stressful life that I led). See link here on my Kdrama sources.


The drama tells the story of Gil Ra Im (Ha Ji-won), a poor and humble stuntwoman whose beauty and body are the object of envy amongst top actresses, and Kim Joo Won (Hyun Bin), an arrogant and eccentric CEO who maintains the image of seeming perfection. Their accidental meeting, when Joo Won mistakes Ra Im for actress Park Chae Rin, marks the beginning of a tense, bickering relationship, through which Joo Won tries to hide a growing attraction to Ra Im that both confuses and disturbs him. To complicate matters further, a strange sequence of events results in them swapping bodies.

30 hours ago, I escaped from being kidnapped by Chin Xin-Ci

Posted by Kris | Tuesday, May 29, 2012 | | 2 comments »

I think it is important to share this around since the kidnapping events is on the rise in Malaysia. The girl is very brave. It is hard to think or even act in her condition in the turn of events that occured.

Below is the original posting that I saw in Facebook. Share it around with your friends, relatives, girlfriend, wife,etc.

As I sit here writing this, I am just so grateful to be alive.

To think that 30 hours ago I had a knife to my throat, face to face with the threat of being kidnapped and raped.

It was a Sunday, at 5.22PM. I was alone, walking towards my boyfriend's car in level B2 of The Curve, Mutiara Damansara. He was not in town, and I was running errands with his car. Just as I was putting my shopping bags in the rear seat, the rear car door was slammed against my back, and a meat cleaver was pressed against my throat. A man covered my mouth with his hand, and whispered not to scream. He then shoved me onto the floor of the backseat of the car and waved the cleaver at me, reminding me not to scream. He was skinny, wearing a baggy turqoise blue t-shirt, had a thick moustache and short curly hair, approx 5'8", mid-30s, and of Indian descent.

At this moment, second man appeared. He was also in his mid-30s. He was wearing a red t-shirt, had a crewcut, and was of Malay descent. He grabbed my car keys and demanded for my parking ticket. I couldn't remember where it was. They shoved me deeper into the car, and the Indian man got into the back seat with me, while the Malay man got into the driver's seat, driving us out of the carpark.

I told them they could take everything, just let me go. But at that point they didn't even ask for money. Instead, the Indian man started to make sexual advances. Then it hit me. "Oh my God. Oh my God. This is really happening. I'm being kidnapped.. and I think I know what they want."

From this moment on, there were a few crucial things that happened that I think is the reason I'm alive today. 

1. I managed to get into a position to escape.
 When they got into the car, the Indian man had tried to force my body down onto the floor. I knew that the moment I'm on the floor, there would be no chance of escape. So I begged him to let me sit up. I promised him I wouldn't scream or alert anyone's attention. Thankfully, he trusted me, and let me sit up, gripping my arm tightly. Then I told him my arm really hurt and to please not grip it so hard. He loosened his grip.

2. I did not fight for the sake of fighting.
 I was in an enclosed space, with no clear escape route. I would never win in a fight with these 2 guys, especially when they have sharp weapons. Had I fought from the get go, I may not have been in a position to escape. I might've even been knocked out cold, and God only knows where I would be right now. 

3. I was lucky and sneaky.
I knew that the only way to escape, was to jump out of the car, even if it was moving. They had locked the car doors. So I leaned back, pretended to scratch my hair, and shakily unlocked the door I was leaning against. I'm so lucky they did not see or hear this!

4. I went 'crazy' at the right time.
And then I waited. I knew that the car would have to slow down outside the parking lot, as it exits to merge with the main roads. The moment it slowed down, I opened the car door and tried to make a run for it. I failed. I kicked my legs out of the car, but the Indian man had managed to pull my body back in. From this moment on, everything is a blur. I remember the Malay driver temporarily stopping the car, leaning over from the driver's seat and attempting to close the door and pull my legs in. At that point I remember thinking, "Even if I don't get out now, I need to keep the door open and my legs out the door. At the very least, it should cause a scene, and someone would see me. Or, the door might hit another car and they'll be forced to slow down." So I continued kicking. My right foot pushed against the wide-open car door to keep it open. I recall elbowing, struggling, kicking, and even biting. I lost my glasses, and was struggling blindly for my life. At some point the Malay driver yelled, "BAGI DIA LEPAS! BAGI DIA LEPAS!" (Let her go! Let her go!) and the Indian man loosened his grip. I made a jump out of the still-moving car, and ran for my life. 

5. I acted in spite of the fear.
My friends said I was brave. But I didn't feel like it. I was quivering and shaking in fear. I was so afraid. I thought I was going to die.  I was weak with fear and deathly afraid. I truly thought "this was it". But I knew I HAD to move. I had to run. Or there would be a worser fate in store for me. While I was quaking in fear, I forced myself to look around and see if there was any way I could escape, or even catch someone's eye.

6. I remembered the people I love.
The only thing that matters when you're faced with potentially horrendous fate, is the people in your life. When I felt the knife to my neck, the first thing I thought was , "This cannot be happening. I must be dreaming." The second? The people that truly matter to me flashed across my mind. It sounds cliche, but it's true. I thought of my parents. My brother. Khailee. Esther. More people. That's all I could think of for a few moments, before I thought, "Shit. I need to get out of here."


I ran towards the Maybank outlet at the Curve. There were plenty of people milling around. I screamed for help over and over again. I was hysterical. I grabbed an older Malay man by his shoulders and begged for help before practically collapsing at his feet. 

I will always remember the relief and liberation I felt, running over Mutiara Damansara's manicured grass and into the crowd. 


Today, I found out that the entire ordeal from the moment I left the parking ticket payment machine, to my escape, happened in about 4 minutes. To me, it felt like one long nightmare.

We never think its going to happen to us... and then it does. I used to think that this is something that happens only in the papers and to people far, far removed from me. But then it did happen to me. I moved to PJ/KL 6 years ago, and I've spent countless mornings, afternoons and nights at The Curve. When my friends and I were organizing Rock Up! back in 2008, we were walking around the place at 4AM even. It's been 6 years, and never once did I feel that I was unsafe at The Curve. Until yesterday. 

I feel like moving out of the country ASAP. Getting the hell out of this state where you hear of a kidnapping or attempted one every month (remember Nayati?), or a snatch theft every week. And yet I'm fully aware of the fact that in another country with more lax firearm laws, they would've been holding a gun to my head, not a cleaver. And that would've been so, so much worse. 

I'm Blessed. By God's grace, I am alive and relatively well. And I will live another day to build another cat iPhone app. It just was not my time to go. And for that, I thank God. 
I want to share this story with everyone because cops tell me that they rarely get to hear it from someone who escapes. 

Girls, be so very careful. Be vigilant, and please try not to go anywhere alone. If you need to walk to the carpark, and you're alone, get a guard to go with you. I was recently told that it's part of their job description to assist anyone if needed.

Guys, watch out for your girlfriends, wives, mothers, sisters and friends. Walk with them, don't take their paranoia or fear lightly. Watch out for them. 

And everyone, just watch out for each other. Take care of each other. These things really DO happen. As I ran out of the car, so many people came to help me. Strangers who didn't know who I was, came forward and offered me tissue paper, water, cellphones, and general comfort.

Malaysians, please care for one another. You already do. Just keep on caring. Keep watching out for each other. Don't worry about being thought of as "busy body" or "overreacting". The world can be a cruel place, but all it takes is for people to care for one another to make all the difference.

Join Me At Instagram @KnowThyMoney

Posted by Kris | Saturday, May 26, 2012 | | 0 comments »

Now I know why Facebook would pay USD1 Billion!! for Instragram. Personally, I am now more active in Instagram than my Facebook account or even Twitter. I think human beings are more easily stimulated by beautiful visual pictures instead of text and words. There are a lot of beautiful photos taken using the humble smartphone that goes up on display in Instagram. So when I am bored, I just go to Instagram to view beautiful photos.

IMHO, the greatest challenge now for Facebook is to monetize Instagram to stand up to its heafty USD 1 Billion valuation purchase. Facebook really need to monetize more from its social network dominance so its stock's price can stay afloat.

So join me at Instagram , my handle is @KnowThyMoney. Since I am a newbie, I don't have a lot of picture uploaded yet. So stay tune for my "artistic uploads" . Lol

Subscribing Gas Malaysia Berhad IPO

Posted by Kris | Thursday, May 24, 2012 | 1 comments »

My track record on IPO is not really rosy. (lol..I have NO track record with IPO) I never got allotted any IPO before. But that had not yet stop me from trying. 

Wanted to subscribe more lots but alas my bank transfer cannot make it time. Just notice this IPO this week as I was busy for the past few weeks.

So there is the info on the IPO if anyone is interested.

IPO price : RM2.20
Closing Date For IPO subscription : 5.00pm, 25 May 2012. (Tommorow)

My cost for applying: Just RM2 using CIMBCLICKs.

See here from my old post on applying IPO.

Article about the impending IPO

PETALING JAYA: The three major shareholders of Gas Malaysia Bhd will receive a total of RM734mil from the sale of their shares in the former's impending initial public offering (IPO).
Gas Malaysia's IPO will entail only an offer of sale of 333.8 million shares at RM2.20 a piece.
The three main owners of Gas Malaysia stock are MMC-Shapadu (Holdings) Sdn Bhd (55%), Tokyo Gas-Mitsui & Co Holdings Sdn Bhd(25%) and Petronas Gas Bhd (20%). The three will rake in RM403mil, RM183.6mil and RM146.8mil respectively from the sale of Gas Malaysia shares.
Post IPO, MMC-Shapadu would see its stake reduced to 40.7%, while Tokyo Gas-Mitsui at 18.5% and Petronas Gas with a 14.8% stake.
MMC-Shapadu is a 76% owned subsidiary of MMC Corporation Bhd, while Shahpadu Corporation Sdn Bhd owns the rest of the stake, a company that dabbles in a diverse range of businesses ranging from oil and gas to property development.

I like the fact that Petronas has a share in this company. So i am trying my luck here. Wish me luck :)

Come & Join My Facebook Page

Posted by Kris | Friday, May 11, 2012 | | 2 comments »

Join and Like Me at my KnowThyMoney page if you find my blog articles insightful. I will try to share out my ideas and thoughts on anything related to $$$. Of course sometimes, I do sidetrack once in a while on subjects that I find interesting :D

Below is my page:

Thanks in Advance,

Google Translator Sings

Posted by Kris | Wednesday, May 09, 2012 | | 0 comments »

This is wicked cool
Go to Google Translate, copy this text:

pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk bschk pv bschk bschk pv kkkkkkkkkk bschk bschk bschk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk bschk pv bschk bschk pv kkkkkkkkkk bschk bschk bschk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk bschk pv bschk bschk pv kkkkkkkkkk bschk bschk bschk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk bschk pv bschk bschk pv kkkkkkkkkk bschk bschk bschk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk bschk pv bschk bschk pv kkkkkkkkkk bschk bschk bschk

Pick German as the 'from' language; Press the 'Listen'-button and ENJOY!


Top 30 EPF Stock Investment 2012 List

Posted by Kris | Tuesday, May 08, 2012 | , | 0 comments »

EPF stands for Employee Provident Fund Not Elite Penguin Force (I found this logo is from a WII game)

I guess every knows that EPF holds our hard earn money that we are "forced" to contribute each month. Ever wonder what are the stocks the EPF fund managers are holding to give the more than fixed deposit rate dividend unfailingly each year?

Last year 2011, EPF distributed 6% of dividends back to us. Well, 6% can be very little to some people especially those that dabble in stocks, property, forex trading, option trading & etc. (But at least it is better than nothing, and EPF have NOT YET FAIL to deliver the dividend back to us). I read somewhere that by law, EPF is only require to a minimum dividend of 2.5% each year.(My assumption is that EPF makes money during that year. Correct me if I am wrong, so far I think EPF never lost money before since its inception!! :D)

Nevertheless, you can also use your EPF to invest in Mutual funds.

Here are some of my earlier write-ups if you want to know more:

Public Mutual Fund List

CIMB Wealth Advisor

Historical EPF Dividend Table

Per Annum
 1952 - 1959
 1960 - 1962
 1965 - 1967
 1968 - 1970
 1972 - 1973
 1974 - 1975
 1976 - 1978
 1980 - 1982
 1983 - 1987
 1988 - 1994
 1997 - 1998

List Of Top 30 Equity Investments Listed On Bursa Malaysia By Quarter As At 31 March 2012
% Holdings
 Msian Building Society Bhd
 RHB Capital Bhd
 Msian Resources Corp Bhd  
 Media Prima Bhd                      
 Shell Refining Co. Bhd
 Public Bank Bhd                
 WCT Bhd                        
 Digi.Com Bhd                                             
 Dialog Bhd                       
 Genting Plantations Bhd                                      
 Tenaga Nasional Bhd
 IJM Corporation Bhd                          
 United Plantations Bhd                     
 Kuala Lumpur Kepong Bhd   
 Alliance Financial Group Bhd      
 Petronas Chemicals Group Bhd    
 Star Publications Bhd                                    
 IJM Plantations Bhd                             
 Axis Reit Managers                           
 AMMB Holdings Bhd                                      
 Sime Darby Bhd                        
 Petronas Gas Bhd  
 Kencana Petroleum Bhd
 KPJ Healthcare Bhd      
 Hong Leong Bank Bhd  
 IOI Corporation Bhd        
 Axiata Group Bhd                 
 CIMB Group Holdings Bhd                   
 Malayan Banking Berhad
 POS Malaysia Bhd

Fiverr : What Are You Willing To Do For $5

Posted by Kris | Sunday, May 06, 2012 | , | 6 comments »

I stumbled upon an interesting US website to earn some pocket money not long ago. Fiverr has been there for some time but i only found it by accident when surfing for outsourcing websites.

Fiverr - I think they wanted to named it as Five, Fiver, without the extra "r" in the first place (probably due to the hardship of securing the domain names). Neverthless, the name is really indicative of what it really offers. 

Fiverr offers people to offer their freelance services for $5. So anyone can literally post up to the site the things that they are willing to do for $5. So below is a simple summary on how it works for the sellers.

1. Sign up on the site
2. Post up a description of what you are willing to do for $5. This is called a GIG .Of course you cannot offer to do something sexual in nature, racial provocative, etc. (so no online escort services allowed, you don't want to end up as one of the unfortunate 48 men in the Singapore call girl scandal)
3. Wait for the Fiverr admin team to approve your GIG.
4. Once approved, just wait for anyone to buy into your GIG. 
5. Once you hit top seller or level2, you can put in more extra services for a given GIG so that you can earn more than just $5.

The business model here is that Fiverr will provide a platform for people to trade services. Fiverr will take $1 out of the $5 for every successfully completed GIG. And the remaining $4 will go to the seller. So Fiverr is actually earning like 20% for every GIG sold. This seems to be a small amount but the sheer amount of traffic and GIGs executed could bring in serious moolah.

The retention period for the money to reach the seller (the remaining $4)of the GIG from the buyer can take up to 14 days. Hence the interest incurred can be a source of income too.

As with many Startups, the earnings of the site is not widely known. But it has received some serious amount of funding from Venture Capitalists (VC).

There is more to read about if you decide to buy some GIGs. See detail info here

Some of the GIGs are damn funny.So just visit that site for a look.