Earn RM134 EVERY MONTH for the RM5,000 invested in the form of dividends. Wow..it means RM134 x 12 = RM1,608. This is a 32% guaranteed return per year!! (I wished my investment returns is that high)
You can even borrow money to invest where you get RM50 per month instead of RM134.
So go and buy buy buy!!!
Better than any hedge fund or any gold scams that promises to give like 2% per month (24% per annum))
Launch date is 12 Jan 2012.
Participating banks: Maybank, CIMB, RHB, and Bank Simpanan National.
When to RUSH to the banks to invest: 30 Jan 2012 --> I bet a lot of people will queue up at the banks a few day before.
What is it all about??
Skim Amanah Rakyat 1Malaysia (SARA 1Malaysia) is a special Scheme initiated by the Government of Malaysia aimed at promoting the participation of the low-income group to save and invest; apart from to assist them in managing the impact of the rising current cost of living. (lowering income tax for middle income would be beneficial too T.T)
The Scheme will be implemented in collaboration with Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) and selected financial institutions.
Through this Scheme, eligible Malaysians will have the opportunity to apply for a RM5,000 loan from participating financial institution to invest in Amanah Saham 1Malaysia (AS 1Malaysia)Imanaged by Amanah Saham Nasional Berhad (ASNB)*, and will receive attractive incentive payments on their savings and investments.
*ASNB is a wholly-owned subsidiary of PNB responsible for managing the AS 1Malaysia unit trust fund.
A total of RM500 million funding is offered to 100,000 households. Allocation is based on first-come-first-served basis. Application is opened for a duration of one year from the date the application is opened to the public or upon full subscription, whichever is earlier.
The distribution of funds is opened to all Malaysians based on the allocation of Amanah Saham 1Malaysia (AS 1Malaysia)I, i.e. Bumiputera – 50%; Chinese – 30%; Indian – 15%; Others – 5%.
Through this Scheme, monthly incentives shall be paid to the participants in the form of additional AS 1Malaysia units.
Participants need to pay only minimum monthly payments for 5 years.
What are the eligibility criteria to apply for this Scheme?
a. | Application is open to all Malaysians aged between 18 and 58 years old; |
b. | Applicants must have a combined gross household income of between RM500 and RM3,000; |
c. | Applicants must not be declared bankrupt at the point of application and throughout their participation in the Scheme; |
d. | Applicants must not be a participant or beneficiary of any ASNB-related government programme such as "ASW2020-Bandar", "Program Pembangunan Rakyat Termiskin" and "ASB Sejahtera"; |
e. | Applicants do not have any investments in ASNB unit trust products OR if there is, applicants and/or spouse(s) (household) have a combined aggregate investment of less than RM10,000 in all ASNB products. |
Main Documents
- Application form to participate in Skim Amanah Rakyat 1Malaysia (BPPSARA1M)
- Loan Form from the participating financial institutions
- Registration form of Unit Amanah Akaun Dewasa ASNB P1
- Additional Investment Form ASNB 21
- Redemption Form ASNB 31
- Investment Book Renewal Form BS3
- Risk Disclosure Statement (RDS)
Supporting Documents
- Original and 2 copies of Mykad of applicants
- Original and 1 copy of Mykad of spouses (if applicable)
- Certified Income document
- For applicants and/or spouses, please provide original and copies of the latest three months' Pay Slips or Bank Statements.
- For applicants who do not have Pay Slip or Bank Statement, the income declaration stated in BPPSARA1M Part C will be applicable.
* BPPSARA1M MUST be signed before a WITNESS - either the Employer/Penghulu/Official at the Department of Orang Asli Development/Government Official in a Managerial Position /Member of State Legislative Assembly/ Member of Parliament
- Participation will be disqualified in the event of:
- The participant misses three consecutive monthly payments;
- The participant provided false information during application;
- The participant is declared a bankrupt; or
- The participant dies.
Ya, easy money but every easy money I don't eligible and higher chance this is contributed by me also!
let's see how fast the loan quota of RM500 million will be sold out...probably in few days?
Remember the previous Amanah Saham that finished just within < a day.
I think probably few hours!! Provided the system don't hang because of the strain of the traffics.
This is literally receiving ang pows from the government. :P