Moo Moo Cows, Palm Oil , Cafe & Swiss Cash

Posted by Kris | Monday, November 23, 2009 | | 2 comments »

Good news to those scammed by Swiss Cash. It was on the national news that Bank Negara is able to refund monies of those hit by the famous get quick rich scheme. Not sure how much and the percentage of money that they are able to refund to the victims. Neither available are any info on the procedures needed to verify yourself as a victim of this massive con.

Recently, I am seeing so many potential schemes being sold to the greedy public. I have seen palm oil based investments where you supposedly contribute a sum of money to "buy" a few hectare of palm oil and they promised to pay you dividend based on the produce of the land for as long as 15 years, etc. Next, is a clever MLM marketed for a cafe business cum franchise chain where lucrative dividends are paid in the form of coupons and yearly payouts, which in calculations takes ~2-3 years to break even!!

The last "good" idea is to invest in a cow!! Yes, you heard it right. It is no typo error. Now you can invest and reap high returns by participating in a scheme to invest in cows. Cows increases in value once it is fully grown. It can provide milk for a few years and lastly going to the butcher's slaughterhouse. And perhaps with a offspring along the way, your initial investments may potentially doubled within a few years.

You can literally "MILKED" your investments for years to come. Pun not intended. I wonder how Mr. Moo Moo (aka thinks of this scheme. I am sure that he will not be easily led into this type of financial "slaughterhouse".


  1. Anonymous // 3:59 PM  

    How much do we need to invest in a cow and what are the returns like? Is it government approved? Please advise. TQ

  2. Kris // 1:01 AM  


    I wrote the post for the sole purpose of trying to educate people to stay away from this type of scheme.

    There are better and safer way to invest. Read some of my posts on mutual funds :P

    It will take a longer time but it is safer