Okey. We are "now" officially baptized as having a technical recession. Note it is not a full-blown recession but a technical one.
As I mentioned in my previous posts, the moment "Bolehland" announced that we are in a recession, the bottom is near at sight. At least, that is what i am hoping for.
Is this considered bad? Especially in PG I see a lot of people still willing to spend. :)
Is this considered bad? I still see a lot people wiling to spend in PG. :)
Penang is Malaysia silicon valley. Thus, the spending power is considerable compared to other states excluding KL.
But from what i know, alot of MNC are giving VSS or laying off workers in Penang due to the economic crisis.
But somehow our KLCI can still stand on the 1,000 point line.
may i knw wat r u working as? -5% growth, tats bad news my god, even harder to find job, boo.
Tze Ling,
I am in the engineering line :P
semicon/oil&gas/...? whicn eng huh, haha:P
All engineers are the same in my opinion, Tze Ling.. :P
Just curious anyway, nvm if u don't wish to expose. :)
I just realize I double post. :) Sorry about that.
Yes, some MNCs are giving VSS. It is not easy to get a job if you're jobless now.