DJIA at 8574

Posted by Kris | Saturday, May 09, 2009 | | 2 comments »

Market still on the rally mode after the post stress results are announced. Banks are selling heavily their common stock to boost up capital. The banks are gaining even though it is common sense that the stock prices should be diluted due to the stock sales. Everyone is ultra optimistic that everything is okey. Party on?!

There always be a correction in every rally. The question now is when will it happen and how hard the hangover will last?

DJIA gained 4.4% for the week. 


  1. imDavidLee // 4:41 PM  

    i think Malaysia banking more stable than other country, but if politic issue still not resolved, then bad thing will happen in future

  2. Kris // 10:45 PM  

    In general, most Asian banks are healthier than their US & Europe counterpart. Asian countries learned a lot from the painful experiences during the 1999 Asian Financial Crisis.

    Asian powerhouses like China, Korea and Japan have been snapping up American banks' shares & assets at dirt cheap prices during the current crisis.

    Malaysia seems not to be that badly affected compared to the previous recession where things are very bad and KLCI reached the low of 300-400 points!!