Huh..we are still surprised by this brain drain mechanism ??! This is nothing new. Talent and hard-work is not appreciated.
Top scorers discover again PSD scholarships are not guaranteed
SEREMBAN: A number of SPM top scorers have discovered yet again that a string of A’s are no guarantee to a scholarship from the Public Service Department.
When Mo Ye Voon scored 10 1A’s and a 2A, she thought she was on the way to becoming a doctor.
However, Mo, a student of SM KGV who recently completed her national service training in Malacca, was disappointed that she was not selected by the PSD as a scholarship recipient.
“I was not even considered for a medical course at any of the local universities,” said Mo, whose father’s income as a factory supervisor would not be enough for her to realise her dream.
She hoped the PSD would reconsider her application as she had no one else to turn to.
At the Rasah MP Loke Siew Fook’s service centre near here, Mo’s mother, Teo Ai Woo said her daughter was also active in co-curricular activities and had represented the district in badminton.
“She has been crying every night since learning that she did not get the scholarship,” said the housewife.
Loke said he would meet Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz to appeal Mo’s case.
He said other students in a similar predicament should contact him at 016-668 6165.
In SUNGAI PETANI, SMK Ibrahim student Chok Chun Ynh is also heartbroken that his application for a scholarship to study abroad has been rejected.
Instead, Chok who is among the six students who obtained 14 1A’s in the country, was offered a place at a local public university,
Chok’s mother Tan Lee Mei said her son who aspired to study medicine, had received several overseas and local awards after taking part in various competitions and quizzes.
Chok’s school mate Lee San Xiu, 17, who obtained 13 1A’s had also been given a scholarship to study locally although he applied for one to study overseas.
Lee said both he and Chok had represented the school in co-curricular activities at state and national levels.
The PSD, he said, had informed them that there were too many excellent candidates but places were limited.
Two of their school mates Paul Khaw Chu Sern, 17, and Chuah Chian Yeong, 17, who both obtained 12 1A’s, failed to get any PSD scholarships.
Lee’s father Wai Heng, a civil servant, said an analysis showed that the students were among the top 250 SPM scorers in the country and who had fulfilled the criteria for selection to study overseas.
“Why then are their applications rejected?” he asked.
According to a nationwide analysis of last year’s SPM results, three students scored 16 1A’s, two scored 15 1A’s, six 14 1A’s, 41 of them scored 13 1A’s while 229 scored 12 1A’s.
According to a report, the department had interviewed 8,363 out of the 15,084 candidates who had applied for scholarships under the foreign degree programme between March 31 and April 3.
In view of the limited places abroad, especially in critical subjects, the PSD also offered 2,000 scholarships to outstanding students to pursue studies in local universities.
Unsuccessful candidates have until May 18 to appeal online.
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