The Great Expectation Falters

Posted by Kris | Saturday, October 04, 2008 | | 0 comments »

The Great Expectation is one of Jane Austen's famous books though i have no idea exactly what is the storyline. Maybe female readers out there can PM me on that seems it is largely popular among woman. Back to the story.

After the bailout vote was announced 1.25pm yesterday, stocks start to sanking down after a ~300 point rally to end up around ~-100 points for the DJIA. 

Market is probably discounting that the bill can pass easily this time given the political and economic pressure mounting. You dont want the DJIA to plunge another 777 points or not getting elected in the coming US elections .

To cut the story short, let's let the chart price do the talking. Point to notice that the stocks start sanking exactly on 1.25pm, that's how fast the market works.I purposely capture the timestamp on where the downward rush happens.

Beginning with ALTERA. :P