At the current economic condition, even a giant can be humbled. Tech companies should not be considered as a defensive sector even if the company's financial sheet is very strong. Last time i check , Intel has around ~12 BILLION in CASH reserves. Its revenues is still largely driven by the world's largest consumer, namely the United States Of America but its presences in Asia is growing rapidly, thus providing it with a steady stream of side income in the future if US tanks.

Conclusion, if Intel stocks really tanks a lot in the coming months, it is a good long term buy. But be very prepared to hold on it for a very long long time (as evident that it only moved towards the end of the current bull run) unless another tech bubble is forming. Currently , the tech sector is showing very strong endurance amidst a not-yet-over sub-prime crisis and rising crude oil price.
P.S : I note that Intel tends to showcase its product in Taiwan. I guess it has to do with the concentration of international semiconductor foundries companies in Taiwan. Or it had to do with pretty Taiwanese girls. :)
Next write-up will be on APPLE where in any important showcase, you will see its charismatic and aggressive leader, Mr. Steve Job as the centerpiece. You will ALWAYS see his face in major APPLE conferences similar to AirAsia Datuk Tony Fernandez. Hard to miss him really as he always will appear in very casual outfit ( jeans and a black T-Shirt. Typical engineer outlook i guess.) .
Disclaimer : Above info does not warrant a buy/sell recommendation.
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